Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fert Report #2

So our 2 embies has dropped to 1. I am sad but trying to remain hopeful that this 1 embie will bring us our much desired baby.

So our little rockstar is looking perfect. It is 4 cells and has no fragmentation. Dr. P is very happy with this and gave us the choice of a 2 day transfer or a 3 day transfer. He told us that he thinks going to to 3 would be fine given the state of the that is what we chose. Our transfer will be tomorrow at 1 pm.

Today I will be going to a baby shower for a friend. I know some people wonder why I would torture myself but really it is not. I need to occupy myself and keep myself distracted. I also need to get some stuff done around the house like paying bills and balancing our checkbook. Yes BJ could do it but it is my job....and he is putting me under house arrest starting tomorrow when we get home. I will be hanging out on our bed....laying flat on my back, reading a book or watching TV. The pups are not going to be allowed up there with overprotective hubby does not want them to have the opportunity to lay on my belly or accidentally jump on me. Already the doting father-to-be. I get off house arrest on Thursday night...just in time for Bunko! Yay! Anyone wanna come hang out?


LilPeach (aka Laura) said...

Me! said...

I hope the transfer goes well and that you get a nice, strong beta in about a week and a half!!