Monday, August 2, 2010

Bad Ovaries!

So this morning, at the bright and early hour of 5:00 am, I got on the road to Womack. This drive actually goes very quickly for me...I have my coffee, my tunes and I know the landmarks along the way to mark how close I am. This morning was no different. Piece of cake!

Found a parking spot...which can be a challenge on some mornings...and got checked into at the clinic. I almost felt like I was going back to it was the first day of school. Bloodwork - check. Vitals (weight, blood pressure, temp) - check. Ultrasound - check. And then the blocks tumbled...

I only have 3 measurable follies. (Measurable is defined as any follie over 4mm.) 3. This is worse than the last cycle. Are you fucking kidding me? Unbelievable! While I do have a few follies on my right ovary...they just aren't over 4mm yet...what concerns me the most is that out of those 3, 1 is measuring almost 11mm and the other 2 are around 5-6mm. So in the end I really only have 2 follies right now because that big one will get too big. So right now we are continuing forward. Upping the meds and we go back on Wednesday for another check. Oh and my e2...umm it was 522. I got very excited and then Dori burst my bubble a bit. They expect to see my e2 that high right now because of the estrogen pill I have been taking. Of freakin' course. So I guess I won't really be able to gauge how my e2 is doing since the level is skewed. :/


Christa said...

Oh no! I hope the extra meds will help sprout some more follicles. If not then maybe they can give you a different brand of drugs? Maybe that has something to do with it. I'll be praying for you on Wednesday

Brave IVF Girl said...

I'm right there with you. I currently have 5 follicles. Lost one between the first and second monitoring appointments. Had 7-9 antrals to start...

My first IVF cycle I had 3, maybe 4 (all on one side)-- when they retrieved, they were able to get 3, and 2 were mature and fertilized. We put both in, and got a BFP (but had a loss at 9 weeks).

So hang in there -- it's really true that you only need one!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that follies aren't doing as well as you would hope at this stage. Sending lots of grow vibes.

Anonymous said...

Don't give up yet! My doctor threatened to cancel my cycle at every visit (for lack of response) and right before he knocked me out for the retrieval, he said that he hoped to get two eggs, but he'd be satisfied with one. He got 12! 8 were mature and I have 6 frozen embryos - we're getting ready to transfer two in the next few weeks. Please just keep up with your meds and try to stay positive (I know, that's lame advice.) I told my doctor that I had faith in him and it would all work out. He had a much more positive attitude with me after that. :)