Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back From My Hiatus

Sorry about the lag in posting. I gave myself a bit of a hiatus. I really needed some time to just regroup and figure out what the next plan is. And to be completely all would not have wanted to hear what was being said in my mind. Let's just leave it at...I was really pissed off.

The big update is that we are going to try again in September. It will be an interesting attempt though. BJ is getting eye surgery done in September...and you guessed it...the surgery is currently scheduled during ER/ET week for the IVF cycle. Of freakin' course! So this means that we have to freeze sperm just in case he is not able to make the ER and then I may have beg my besties to help us out. You do realize that with our luck my transfer will be the same day as his surgery. So someone will have to take him to his appointment and someone else will have to drive me to mine. Lovely! But for right now...I will not stress....I will not stress....I will not stress. (I took a yoga class last week and I am feeling pretty you think it's working?)

So what else is new with us???

We celebrated BJ's 35th birthday a week ago. I had asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said (and I quote) "go to the beach and then go to Hakata". For those that don't know Hakata is our local Japanese hibachi restaurant. And so that is exactly what we did. Have I told you all how much I love living near the beach? And I love that my husband is like a kid at the beach. He spends hours searching for shark's can take the dentist to the beach but you can't make him stop thinking about teeth...and he finds the coolest ones. And on this particular day, I caught a glimpse of him helping a little boy look for shark's teeth too. Tears welled up. I want him to be able to do that with his own little boy.

Last night we had our first Navy Dental Corps Birthday Ball. It was a good time and we got to catch up with people we have not seen in awhile and also meet some new faces. I am so looking forward to ball season. And what is ball season, you ask...well it is the most fun ever of course! LOL! Actually ball season is basically the months of October and November here at Camp Lejeune. The Navy's birthday is October 13 and the Marine Corps' birthday is November 12. We have one big Navy ball (since there is not a huge population of Navy personnel here at Lejeune) and then each command for the Marine Corps has one. We will probably have at least 2 balls to attend between October and November. The balls have all the tradition and all the fun. You get to go shopping for a beautiful dress....have a pamper-me day...your husband gets to wear his dress uniform (so sexy!)...and then have a fantastic evening of great food and dancing. And if you are really is held at a hotel out of town and you get to stay overnight! Yay! This is going to be our first ball season and cannot wait!

So that pretty much gets you caught up on what has been going on in our life for the last couple of weeks. Relatively boring right now. But we kind of like it that way!

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